Observatory Construction
Well after fighting the weather snow ,sleet,and freezing rain we managed
to get the observatory up.I still have work to do on it in the spring
once the ground thaws out. The floor is framed using 2x4x8 lumber and 2x4x10 lumber.
The roof is a lift off style untill spring when i can frame the roll off frame for it.
I will keep this page updated with the progress as i go along.
Day 1. Bill and I framed the floor in my garage.
Once completed we drug it from the garage to the pier and set it in place.
Day2. The wall frame was assembeled and 3 walls were assembled.
Day 3. Bill had to work so we didnt get much done and i wasnt feeling to good.
Day 4. The final walls were assembeled and the roof was assembeled.
Now im on break and Bill assembles and hangs the doors in the door frame.
After both of us resting up a bit and warm up we loaded the Obs. on
a trailer and hauled it down in the ice and slush..
Once down to the pier we proceeded to unload the Obs. and lift it over the pier and squared it all up.
Roof was attached using 4 c clamps
Here are the pictures of the final results.
Now we wait for spring to build the roll off roof frame.
As i do more work ill add more pictures ..
Final Product
Credits to Bill Doyle from the
StrawberryHillObseveratory for all of his help.
With out His help I would have not gotten this accomplished..