The site contains astronomy
which are the best visible, if the computer
monitor is set to see all levels of brightness.
If the monitor is properly set up, you must see each
shade of gray separately.
If no, you must adjust
brightness and contrast of your monitor to achieve such
Pay more attention to the darkest steps
- they
should be as dark as possible while you should be able to
distinguish them.

Super Nova Bright SN2004dj in
constellation Camelopardalis
A bright supernova has been
discovered by K. Itagaki, Teppo-cho, Yamagata, Japan in NGC 2403
The supernova is near the NE edge of NGC 2403 and well placed for
visual and CCD observations.
The discovery was made on July 31.76 at roughly V magnitude of
and confirmed on Aug. 1.45 at V=11.3.
The location is: R.A. = 7h37m17s.02, Decl. = +65o35'57".8
Pictured below is an image of NGC 2403 pre july 31 2004 and an
image I took on august 4 2004